Two weeks ago, we did a ride that included *most* of the reasonably connectable dirt roads in Westchester County (see: This week, we polished off the rest of them! We had a great group of riders, including a number of new faces. Thank you all for joining us today!
We declared this to be an *End of Season* ride. And what an excellent season it has been! We started the season with our Spring Gravel Series: five weekends in a row of awesome rides covering all of the “gravel regions” within ~1.5 hours drive of NYC. A true gravel tour! We continued with group rides every other week through today (November 12).
What does the “off season” mean for Gravel NY? Check out Jay’s post on Strava for more details:
The short version: GrNY rides will be much less frequent over the winter. Rides might have a single pace group, instead of “three speeds”, where all the groups overlap several times and hangout at the end. Rides will typically be announced with less notice due to unpredicable weather. We may do some paved riding to avoid messy freeze/thaw conditions on dirt roads and trails – or just for some variety. If we don’t see you this winter, we look forward to riding with you again in the spring!

Parts of the Long and Medium distance pace groups connecting just outside of Mountain Lakes State Park. Both groups were taking a short breather (and waiting for riders) after tackling the largest climb and roughest trails of the day!

This photo is courtesy of Anthony (AKA ToneB). There was still fall color in the understory in some places.