GrNY is an informal club for gravel riding in the New York metro area. Rides involve dirt and paved surfaces, since it is difficult to string together continuous dirt routes in our area. The goal is to get away from traffic and seek gravel where we can find it.
Join us for rides that emphasize:
– Fun exploration
– Non-competitive atmosphere
– No dress code (whether lycra, MTB baggies, or flannel)
– Some members enjoy challenging rides, but the goal is the experience, not speed/stats
– Pacelining on dirt roads is strongly discouraged.
Important information:
We expect everyone to read and agree to our guidelines before joining us on a ride. You can find our guidelines in the links above.
Disclaimer: GrNY rides are completely informal. You ride at your own risk and are responsible for your own safety. You are expected to be self-sufficient. We cannot guarantee the condition or safety of roads and trails. Nor can we control the behavior of other riders. Our rides are not supported events. We expect everyone to be an experienced cyclist who can repair a flat, carry appropriate food and hydration, and navigate independently if they lose the group. We do not offer training or bicycle education.